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Masajmed Benefits

Benefits for companies

We are the partners of companies that care about the physical and mental comfort of their employees, offering them support in stimulating and rewarding them!

We operate in all major cities in Romania: Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Timișoara, Brașov, Craiova, Iași, Târgu-Mureș, Constanța, etc.

The partnership with us does not involve investments from the client companies because we provide the logistics part, the arrangement of the space and easily transform any office into a relaxation room.

We provide portfolio companies with a secure online scheduling platform equipped with reminder notifications, waiting list, limiting the number of registrations and the possibility to leave feedback.

Our services may not involve costs for companies with more than 50 employees, as we have the status of an authorized protected entity.

By choosing Masajmed for office wellness services, the quality is assured by health and well-being specialists, with experience in Romanian corporations since 2012.

The most requested over time was and is the massage at the office, which practiced regularly helps prevent employee illness and translates into a decrease in the number of medical leaves!

Masajmed Benefits

Employee benefits

We come to your company to relax and make your day more beautiful!

We help you make the most of your little free time, compensate for the lack of exercise, maintain your health and increase your vitality!

You can benefit from free massage at the office, health and well-being workshops, smoothiebike day, fitness classes and other wellness activities at the office; ask the purchasing department to ask for our offer.

Massage in the office helps to relax your muscles, maintain joint mobility, improve cerebral circulation, therefore leading to combating back and head pain, better oxygenation of the brain, reducing fatigue and increasing the ability to concentrate.

The smoothie bike can turn your work day into a little party. By pedaling you make your own smoothie competing and having fun with your colleagues.

The workplace becomes the ideal space in which to accumulate useful and applicable information in your personal life, through our health, lifestyle, psychology, personal development, nutrition, aesthetics, movement, ergonomics and posture workshops.

Fitness classes organized in the office are useful in combating lack of exercise, encourage teamwork and socialization.

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