811_1_2_1Hair adornment is attacked daily by many factors such as: the chemical substances in shampoos and dyes, the wearing of hats, the recent frost, the sun’s rays during the summer, and unfortunately many of us do not know how to wash our heads, (not nails should be used, but delicately with the fingertips).

The massage of the hairy part of the head has an essential contribution to the regeneration of the scalp and the hair strands, combating its loss through its local hyperemissive action, by removing the interstitial fluids of stasis, toxins by emphasizing the resorption in the massaged area.

The increased blood flow helps to feed the follicles because the arterial blood carries oxygen (which everyone knows about) and nutrients, i.e. food for the tissues, and the venous blood carries carbon dioxide and the residual products resulting from catabolism.

The head massage consists of smoothing, friction, light tapping and vibrations. The maneuver that plays the most important role in our case is friction. It is performed with both hands or with one hand, the other supporting the head on the opposite side. Fingers slightly bent and spread apart are applied together with the palms on the skin, feeling the root of the hair.
Through lateral or circular, slow and deep movements, the skin moves on the layers below, as much as its natural mobility allows. The pressure on the bone plane is moderate. In sensitive regions, the pressure decreases. After a few movements, the fingers move from close to close over the entire region. On limited portions, the maneuver can be performed with two or three fingers. The vibrating friction is more pleasant and soothing.

The vibrations can accompany smoothing and friction or can be applied alone on small, more sensitive portions of the scalp.
They are preferably performed with one hand, the other hand supporting the head. You can use olive oil, castor oil, vitamin A ampoules, various pharmaceutical substances in which I don’t have much confidence, because I don’t know how much is marketing and how much is the truth.

Felician Strete physiotherapist