by choosing Masajmed services you can offer employees moments of relaxation at the office without losing money the time with traveling to various locations, because we come to the headquarters of the companies in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Timișoara, Brașov, Craiova, Iași and in the other big cities in Romania.
in addition to the massage at the office, which was and remains the most appreciated benefit, we offer you workshops on various topics of hell and well-being, fitness and various classes, smoothie bike; and we are open to your suggestions!
you can count on our specialists, physiotherapists, doctors, psychologists, trainers and coaches, for the well-being of employees and for the prevention and improvement of occupational ailments.
office massage and other wellness activities can be free, by redirecting the disability fund, owed monthly to the state budget, to Masajmed.
we take care of the space arrangement and the logistics part as well, and to make attendance at the massage and the other activities more efficient, we provide you with a secure online scheduling platform with smart tools.
along with teambuilding and medical insurance. office wellness activities are highly appreciated, they make employees happy and relaxed, motivating them to come to the office with pleasure and work more involved!