On various topics of hells and well bing, these workshops are for those interested in a healthy lifestyle. Trainers, specialists in: medicine, psychology, personal development, nutrition, aesthetics and sports; explains structured, simple methods of prevention and self care.
From our specialists you will learn a lot of things that can help you stay healthy, energetic and balanced in the long term. For example: how to care for and protect your back, how to compensate for lack of movement, simple remedies against head and neck pain, ergonomics and correct posture at the office and in other daily activities, about the diet suitable for sedentary people, hydration and breathing techniques , the importance of quality sleep, simple ways to take care of your skin, how to manage stress, the importance of emotional intelligence, the importance of assertive communication, etc.
Themes proposed by us:
The workshops can be held physically or online, and the number of participants and the duration differ depending on the chosen topic and the way of presentation. We can customize the theme of the workshops according to the needs of the applicants and we are open to your suggestions on lifestyle, health and well-being topics.