It is a massage of the reflex zones located at the extremities of the body, hands and feet, where we find a real map of the human body. It is also represented at the level of the ears, the tongue, the spine, but the deepest, most relaxing and most often practiced is the reflexogenic massage of the feet. The sessions last about thirty minutes and do not require special equipment. Beneficiaries must take off their shoes as various creams are used. Reflexology massage energizes, improves blood circulation, combats the feeling of tired legs, and you can tell a lot about a person simply by examining the reflex areas. It is also an easy way of prevention with no side effects.
Thousands of years old, it is first and foremost a form of preventive medicine. In China, people tend to go to an acupuncturist at the change of seasons, especially autumn and spring, to help the body adapt to the new conditions.
Acupuncture specifically targets the energetic part of the body, knowing that the circulation of energy in the body has distinct routes called meridians, which can sometimes be “blocked” by internal factors, such as intense or long-lasting emotions; external times: climatic (cold, heat, humidity, wind), inappropriate diets, fatigue, prolonged physical exertion, sedentary lifestyle, trauma, etc.
The pricking of specific points is done with very thin needles, is painless and aims to unblock these “energy circuits” to help the body resume normal physiological functions.
In Romania, only doctors are authorized to practice acupuncture. The doctor in our team is a specialist in general medicine and acupuncture, has over 20 years of experience and a training course in China.