Masajmed started its activity in 2012, but we started offering office massage services two years before, under a different legal form.
The name Masajmed seemed suggestive of what we do, i.e. a medical massage different from the one practiced by our competitors at the headquarters of the companies, by associating relaxation procedures with therapeutic ones and customizing the programs according to the needs of each individual.
An authorized protected unit is a commercial company that has at least 30% of its employees disabled people and that offers services or products resulting from their work. In our case, therapists have visual impairments.
The Masajmed team consists of physiotherapists and physiotherapists, who have experience in medical recovery and especially in the field of massage, which they practice at a high level.
Companies interested in a collaboration with Masajmed can request a personalized offer, and after their approval, a simple service contract is signed, or adapted for those who want to use the disability fund. based on law 448/2006, art. 77 paragraph 2 and 3.
If someone wants to convince their superiors of the importance of this benefit, they can ask us through the HR or Purchasing department for a massage demonstration in the office. Employees of client companies do not have to do anything in particular, they just need to register on the online platform.
Our physiotherapists are very skilled at: therapeutic massage, relaxation massage, lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite massage and sports massage; stretching, joint mobilizations and manipulations, kineto programs for ailments, reflexology; classes of: pilates, yoga and kinetogym. We can also offer ergonomics and posture workshops, nutrition prophylaxis and well-being, energizing smoothie-bike days!