_DSC1737The lack of physical exercises to ensure an adequate muscle tone, obesity, the long position in front of the computer or at the office, or, conversely, excessive lifting of weights are just a few factors that contribute to this increase in lumbar spine problems. Kinetoprophylaxis of lumbosacralgia (low back pain) it is based on three objectives, which must be respected by everyone.

  1. Awareness of the correct position of the lumbar spine and the pelvis – is achieved by adopting corrective postures from all basic positions (recumbent, seated, standing) and by practicing active delordosis movements by tilting the pelvis (also from all positions ).
  2. Blocking the lumbar spine – aims to block the affected segment during exertion.
  3. Maintaining muscle strength – by toning the abdominal and gluteal muscles, but also relaxing the sacrospinal muscles.

Lumbar discopathy and its more advanced form, disc herniation in various degrees, is an increasingly common disease and affects more and more young people.

Antalgic postures that decrease pain:

  • Supine position (lying on the back), head and shoulders raised on a pillow, knees flexed (bent) with a roll under them, feet resting on the soles;
  • Lying on the side opposite to the one corresponding to the pain, with the hand under the head and placed on a thin pillow, the knees bent towards the chest with a pillow between them; with your free hand, hold a slightly heated pillow that is gently pressed on the abdomen;
  • Supine position (lying on the back) with hips and knees flexed (bent) at right angles, calves resting on a chair or box;
  • Ventral decubitus (on the stomach) with a pillow under the abdomen, and the head turned to the opposite side of the painful limb;
  • Any other position in which the pain improves or disappears.

The most common delordosis exercises, which must be performed anywhere and anytime are:

  • bending the trunk on one knee that is flexed, the other lower limb remaining stretched back; in this way, small and light objects can be lifted from the ground in safe conditions for the lumbar spine;
  • genoflexions with simultaneous flexion of the hips; in this way, weights are lifted which are then carried in the hands at about the height of the pelvis (not at chest level);
  • leaning forward (at the sink, at the table) not from flexing the spine, but by flexing the hips, the lumbar spine being kept in a neutral position.

Advice that should be applied routinely by any adult, in association with periodic exercises and movement of at least 15 minutes a day, to prevent or improve disc disease when it has appeared, or to avoid relapses:

  • The cold and humidity will be avoided.
  • Overweight and obese people will have to lose weight.
  • The maximum weight of objects lifted and carried should not exceed 5 Kg.
  • Carrying objects will be done with both hands in order not to generate scoliosis.
  • Lifting objects will be done by bending (flexing) the thighs and knees, so that the back (namely the lumbar spine) remains in the straightest possible position.
  • Trunk twisting movements will be avoided.
  • Getting up from the bed will be done from a standing position on the side, with the knees bent (flexed), as a whole, with support on the hand.
  • The sitting position is the most demanding for the lumbar spine. That is why it is recommended every 30 – 45 minutes to take breaks for standing, walking around the room, stretching. The use of ergonomic chairs is also recommended.
  • The heels should not exceed 4 cm in height. Heels are contraindicated for overweight people or those with persistent pain. The sole of the shoes should be as soft as possible.
  • When you sit for a long time at the office, you rest your feet on a chair. The back must always be straight.
  • The leg over leg position is to be avoided or not maintained for more than 10-15 min.
  • drivers will bring the seat closer to the steering wheel, the back will have to be straight.
  • He will sleep on the mattress as hard as possible or with a plank under the mattress.
  • Persons with weak abdominal muscles require medical gymnastics for toning and wearing a lombostat (a medicinal belt) during physical overload. pushing weights will be done with horizontal arms at shoulder level and straight trunk.
  • Physical effort should be avoided in untrained people without a prior warm-up.
  • If there is inequality of the lower limbs, it is corrected with an orthosis (talonet) or orthopedic shoes.
  • Going up/down the stairs is done carefully, without twisting the back.
  • The most relaxing position for the spine is lying on the side. It is also the recommended position for night rest.

Note: During pregnancy, it is necessary to pay special attention to the lumbar spine and the systematic application of these measures.

Strete Hannemaria – physical therapist