Did you know that most of the time, chronic or recurring headache is not based on a specific condition, but is a consequence of our lifestyle?

Met more frequently among young (20-40 years old) and healthy people, doctors call it idiopathic headache – headache = headache / idiopathic = of unknown cause. This diagnosis is made following specialized medical investigations: Clinical: family doctor and specialist doctors; paraclinical: laboratory, CT, EKG, spirometry and MRI; with good results.

Causes of idiopathic headache

  • stress
  • sedentarism,
  • fatigue,
  • shallow breathing,
  • dehydration,
  • unbalanced diet.

How we manage:

Stress is natural and difficult to control, however, various methods of relaxation are known, it is important to allocate time and discover what suits us.

Sedentaryism involves, in addition to the lack of movement, prolonged vicious fasting and favors circulatory stasis. The correction of vicious postures and body alignment is done with the help of a physiotherapist at first and then the correct postures are practiced until they become a habit and are fixed at the level of the cortex, establishing the so-called cortical engrams, that is, you will do everything instinctively. Asymmetrical positions that favor muscle contractions and circulatory stasis must be avoided. To improve circulation, lymphatic drainage massage is recommended, but exercise is also very important, especially water or outdoor sports.

Fatigue can be removed with a relaxation massage in the office, of the head, cervical area and back, which relaxes the muscles and improves cerebral circulation, eliminating headaches. Don’t neglect sleep which is extremely important for body recovery and relaxation.

Respiratory re-education is done by controlling breathing, which must be deep, abdominal, not shallow, thoracic, to facilitate oxygenation. On inhalation the abdomen contracts to increase the volume of the ribcage and allow air to enter the lungs, and on exhalation the abdomen relaxes and the ribcage shrinks pushing air out. Sit on your head: in the evening for a maximum of two minutes you can sit in the candle position, this position brings a large supply of blood and respectively oxygen to the cranial box. This exercise is contraindicated for hypertensives.

Avoid feeling thirsty, thirst = dehydration. The amount of liquids recommended by nutritionists is 350-450 ml / 10 kg body.

Eat fruits and vegetables that are natural antioxidants, fruits in the first part of the day because they contain fructose and energize. Avoid animal proteins at dinner so as not to increase blood acidosis, settle for fresh vegetables.

Don’t forget that it depends on each of us how healthy and relaxed we want to be!